Keyword Stemming
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You don’t need to use the exact keyphrase always. Google has the ability to understand similar words and sentences. The ability of Google to understand such a thing is known as keyword stemming. For example– buy, bought, buying, buys are similar. Don’t ever think Google is a fool. You may think- “This article will not… Continue reading Keyword Stemming

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Keyword Stuffing
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It indicates the process of manipulating Google to rank keywords. There are some mistakes usually made by people with a lack of SEO knowledge– Repetition of unnatural keywords Spinning Contents with zero value to the users Use the synonymous words again and again Avoid Hidden Text: Don’t use the text not visible to users but… Continue reading Keyword Stuffing

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Keyword Proximity
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It indicates how close the words of a keyphrase placed. More closed keyphrase get more attention from Google bots. It helps to boost search ranking. The keyword proximity will be the highest if you use the exact key phrase. It is natural that your article will be on top. But there are thousands of people… Continue reading Keyword Proximity

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Keyword Prominence
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It simply means the popularity of keywords of your website. Title, Meta, H1, H2, H3, H4  are key components of the web page. The number of times the keyword is found on those components indicates how prominent that particular keyword or, keyphrase is. Google and Bing tend to show prominent keywords in the top search… Continue reading Keyword Prominence

Categorized as SEO Terms